Readers Write: Ed commish resignation an opportunity for fresh start

The Island Now

The resignation of Commissioner King is an opportunity for a fresh look at the current reform agenda and the challenges facing New York’s public schools. 

I am hopeful that the Board of Regents will keep in mind the lessons learned from the struggles our education system has faced in recent years as they begin the process of selecting a new commissioner.

Our next education commissioner must have the necessary qualifications to successfully meet the challenges that our schools now face in the aftermath of the rushed implementation of Common Core. 

In addition, he or she must be ready and willing to work with teachers and school districts at a local level in order to provide New York’s students with a world-class education. 

The commissioner must listen to the concerns of parents who have spoken out about an increased reliance on high stakes testing and eroding of local control of curriculum. I encourage the Board of Regents to take advantage of this opportunity to ensure that our state’s next leader of education will collaborate with educators, parents and students to make decisions which allow for New York’s young minds to succeed.

State Assemblyman Ed Ra

(R-Franklin Square)

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