Reader’s Write: Dismissing democracy in NYC, Nicaragua

The Island Now

I would like to respond Dr. Stephen Morris critique of  Mayor de Blasio first 58 days in office. 

If Mayor de Blasio only received 25 percent of the entire eligible vote, because his ‘leftist” voters who voted for him, blame the 75 percent of good old eligible voters who did not use their democratic right to vote for the other guy. 

Too bad we can not declare New York City a third world nation and send the CIA into New York City to overthrow the democratic election like CIA did in Peru.

This leads me into the issue of the Sandinistas that keeps popping up in reference to Mayor Bill. 

When the Sandinista’s revolutionaries overthrew the Somoza dictatorship in Nicaragua, they eventually got around to having elections that their candidates won. As a result of the Sandinista’s victory (I think it was more than Mayor Bill’s 25 percent of eligible voters), a reaction was created of a group called the Contras. 

The Contras became known as the Death Squad, in Nicaragua and infamous for killing two nuns. Yet, what really made The Contras famous was the Iran-Contra Affair. It also helped Oliver North change occupations from the U.S. Marine Corps Lt. Colonel to radio personality with a stint in jail in between jobs as person blamed for The Iran-Contra Affair. 

In case we forget, the plan was supposed to sell weapons and arms to Iran illegally; since there was a embargo for doing that because of the previous American hostage in Iran in the previous President Carter’s administration. 

With the money made unreported, it was supposed to be air marked to the Contras to use in their opposition to the Sandinista. 

I cannot imagine what Iran wanted these weapons for other than maybe for their ‘defense’ against Israel (which Dr. Morris points out Mayor Bill favors a easing of sanctions of Iran now before nuclear reduction is verified and throwing Israel under a bus). 

This Iran-Contra Affair took place in 1985. Maybe it Mayor Bill’s humanitarian reasons that he worked for the Sandinista (in 1988 as Dr. Morris pointed out) three years later, because he was outrage that our government would be selling illegally weapons to a country (Iran) that held some our citizens hostage and wanted weapons to use against our ally, Israel. 

Maybe it was for supporting this death squad that Mayor Bill was against.

As a added note, Americans involved in Iran-Contra Affair were given a pardon by the next president in office, President George H. W. Bush, when he left office. 

President Bush happened to be vice president at the time of the Iran-Contra Affair, and formally head of the CIA before that. 

We will not make any connections to these connecting facts to the pardon he gave. I guess it came down to who our government thought it hated more, the Sandinista or Iran. 

I wonder if the government could do a do over, who it would pick now?  

Alan Kateman


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