In re: to Esther Confino’s letter in the August 21, 2015 edition of the Great Neck News.
Ms. Confino may not have seen my response to Karen Rubin in the August 14, 2015 edition of Great Neck News in regard to any deal with Iran. THEY WILL NOT HONOR ANY DEAL!
They have said DEATH TO AMERICA- DEATH TO ISRAEL. They mean it!
When they obtain a nuclear bomb they will use it! They are suicide bombers!
Your lessons in history are well meaning I’m sure but completely useless in this instance.
As for your opinions on war, I am well acquainted with the horrors of war and certainly do not war. However, when another country wants to destroy Israel and the United States, and will do it if they achieve a nuclear bomb, there is no choice but to stop them and any armed conflict necessary to prevent war has to be considered if other methods cannot achieve this end.
Diplomacy with the leader of Iran will do the opposite. He is the devil reincarnate and must be stopped. He cannot be reasoned with and he speaks only lies.
Ms. Confino, I hope I haven’t spoiled your day by this rebuttal.
Morton Perlman
Great Neck