Your reader, John Messina, writes of Obama, the communist, fascist, Muslim, anti-Christian failure.
Make up your mind, already.
You can’t be a communist and a fascist.
I suppose he’s pining away for the good old days when Bush/Cheney were in office.
Let’s see. Completely ignoring the CIA’s warning that Bin Laden was poised to strike in the U.S. Remember 9/ll?
Concocting a packet of lies to start a war in Iraq, which according to Cheney would inspire the Iraqi people to greet our soldiers with candy and flowers.
Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction and Condi Rice’s claim of a mushroom cloud over the Middle East. Remember that?
People drowning in the streets of New Orleans after Katrina. “Heckuva job, Brownie.” Remember that?
The wonderful Halliburton, Cheney’s former employer, who stole billions. Remember them?
The greatest economic collapse since the Great Depression, TARP. Remember that?
What about torture and let’s not forget Guantanamo. I could go on and on, but reliving those failures is a nauseating task.
The Republicans in Congress continue being hell-bent on destroying our country.
It’s too bad after the Bush/Cheney debacle, Republicans couldn’t have worked together with Obama and the Democrats to heal our country instead of doing everything in their power to obstruct everything that would have improved our nation.
Mitch McConnell vowed the day after Obama was first elected to obstruct everything Obama proposed, including anything to fix the economy.
Making sure Obama was a one-term president was their only goal, and to hell with the country.
If that’s patriotism, you need to reread your dictionary.
Nancy C. Kirk
E. Williston