County property near park not maintained

The Island Now

To Nassau County Executive Edward Mangano

I, Jean Pierce, residing at 44 Arrandale Avenue, Great Neck, would like to present to you, a petition, with regard to a certain piece of county owned property, on Arrandale Avenue and Wood Road, adjacent to The Parkwood Complex. In the past 30 years that I have lived across from the lot, my calls to the past administration have gone unheeded. 

As long as I can remember, it has been an eyesore. It has been a dumping ground, from household waste (which attracts rats), suit cases old furniture, rubber tires, etc. In the summer months, it is a potential hazard for brush fires due to landscapers illegally dumping leaves and other debris, It is also a breeding ground for mosquitoes in the stagnant water.

What is left of the sidewalk, is an accident waiting to happen. It is heavy traffic area by children from the school across the street. 

We would like the county to consider giving the parcel of land to the Great Neck Park District. 

They have an excellent maintenance crew, who will take excellent care of the property, thereby relieving the County of future responsibility. 

Thank you for your consideration,

Jean Pierce

Great Neck

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