Readers Write: County Dem campaigns offer half truths

The Island Now

Tom Suozzi’s recent TV ad brought tears to my eyes.

His concern for the children in Nassau County was rather touching. He had children attempting to count to a billion, which he said represents the amount of money Mangano has added to the county’s budget. 

What this debt is was not described.

My tears continued to flow when I read in the Williston Times comments from Judy Jacobs, who was also concerned about this debt. She said, “Under this present Mangano administration, our debt has risen to $3.5 billion, the highest in the county’s history.” 

But, again what this debt represented was not mentioned. It would be nice if we were told what this amount of loot was used for so we could decide if it was worth it or not. It could be the downfall of Mangano if enough voters thought it was a waste of taxpayer’s money.

She went on to say, “Fortunately, if not for the fiscal responsibility by the Democratic majority, this administration would have borrowed an additional $1 billion.” 

But, the question is what did Mangano want to do with this additional money? Not stated.

Maybe this is the answer. Deputy Presiding Officer Richard J. Nicolello sent out a flyer outlining the status Sandy had on the Bay Park Sewage Treatment Plant, which services 500,000 Nassau residents. The plant was shut down by the storm for 44 days. 

Millions of gallons of partially treated sewage were released into the island’s southern bays. The plant’s electrical system was completely submerged by sea water and ruined. To date, the plant continues to run with help of emergency back-up generators at a cost of nearly $1 million per month.

And what did this fiscally wasteful Mangano do? Of the $722 million requested by the Mangano administration to repair and maintain this facility, the dynamite Dems agreed to provide only $262 million, according to Nicolello. 

Is this the “savings” Judy is talking about? Just curious.

Finally, will Suozzi now put out a TV ad having the kids try to count to a trillion not a billion based on the $17 trillion in debt that Obama has saddled all the children with in America, not just those in Nassau County?

Judy also stated, “Nassau County needs a proven leader at the helm once again. Someone who will repair and restore our finances without passing insurmountable debt to future generations.”

I wonder who she believes will do this in 2016 at the national level to start to undue the damage Obama has done to our nation and the future generations?

Jim Messina

East Williston

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