Chamber’s annual ‘Adopt-a-Program’ launches

Bill San Antonio

The Manhasset Chamber of Commerce has begun its 16th annual Adopt-a-Pole beautification program, whereupon residents and organizations can sponsor the planting of potted flowers that hang from lamp posts located along Plandome Road.

Baskets may be purchased for $100 per pole from the Manhasset Chamber of Commerce, P.O. Box 754 in Manhasset.

Chamber secretary Diane Harragan, of Coach Realty, said Friday the chamber hopes to fill 40 poles with two baskets on each pole. 

About 76 baskets’ worth of flowers have been ordered for installation by the annual Manhasset Memorial Day parade, which will take place May 25.

“We don’t make any money off the program,” she said. “Basically we pay for the flowers and to hang them. We ask for the donation.”

The Town of North Hempstead has agreed to water the plants during the summer, Harragan said.

Joining the flowers on the lamp posts will be American flags, secured by the American Legion Post 304 of Manhasset through a $2,000 grant from state Assemblywoman Michelle Schimel’s office.

The flags are expected to be installed a week or two before Memorial Day, American Legion officials have said.

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