The Island Now

Legal Notice

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS of the INCORPORATED VILLAGE OF EAST HILLS has scheduled a meeting and public hearings for December 3, 2019 at 8:00 P.M. at the Village Hall, 209 Harbor Hill Road, East Hills, New York:

Continuation from October 22, 2109 meeting: MARC FREEMAN requests a SPECIAL EXCEPTION and FIVE VARIANCES for the property known as 60 CHESTNUT DRIVE designated as Section 7 Block 272 Lot 5 on the Nassau County Land and Tax Map and within the R-1 district of the Village. Pursuant to Village of East Hills Code ß271-139(A), swimming pools require a special exception from the Zoning Board of Appeals. Pursuant to Village of East Hills Code ß271-14 (A), the maximum allowable fence height is 4 feet. Pursuant to East Hills Code ß271-143(A)(1) and (3), pool enclosure fences must of the chain link type, and be erected completely enclosing the pool at least five feet from the edge of the pool and at least 15 feet from any property line. Therefore, variances are requested for the proposed 5 foot fence, partially of the estate type and located along the property line. Pursuant to Village of East Hills Code ß271-14(A), no fences are permitted to be erected in the front yard. Therefore, a variance is requested for the proposed front yard fence. Pursuant to Village of East Hills Code ß271-143(A)(4), a four foot walkway is required on all sides of the pool. A partial walkway is proposed. Therefore, a variance is requested.

GARRET STIER requests ONE VARIANCE for the property known as 95 FIR DRIVE, designated as Section 7 Block 249 Lot 43 on the Nassau County Land and Tax Map and within the R1 district of the Village. Pursuant to Village of East Hills Code ß271-142(B), the drywell must be located at least 20 feet from the proposed swimming pool. The proposed drywell is located 10 feet from the pool. Therefore, a variance is requested for 10 feet of drywell setback.

JARED KANOVER requests SIX VARIANCES and a SPECIAL EXCEPTION for the property known as 155 CHESTNUT DRIVE, designated as Section 7 Block 275 Lot 12 on the Nassau County Land and Tax map and within the R1 district of the Village. Pursuant to Village of East Hills Code ß271-139(A), swimming pools require a special exception from the Zoning Board of Appeals. Pursuant to Village of East Hills Code ß271-14 (A), the maximum allowable fence height is 4 feet. Pursuant to East Hills Code ß271-143(A)(1) and (3), pool enclosure fences must of the chain link type, and be erected completely enclosing the pool at least five feet from the edge of the pool and at least 15 feet from any property line. Therefore, variances are requested for the proposed 5 foot fence, partially of the estate type and located along the property line. Pursuant to Village of East Hills Code ß271-143(A)(4), a four foot walkway is required on all sides of the pool. A partial walkway is proposed. Therefore, a variance is requested. Pursuant to Village of East Hills Code ß271-142(B), swimming pools must be located at least 20 feet from any drywells. The proposed pool is located 10 feet from the proposed drywell. Therefore, a variance is requested for 10 feet of drywell setback. Pursuant to Village of East Hills Code ß271-143(A)(10)(i), pool equipment must be located in the rear yard immediately adjacent to the house or at least 75 feet away from all other houses. The proposed pool equipment is in the rear yard not immediately adjacent to the house. Therefore, a variance is requested.

Maps and plans regarding above applications are available for inspection at the office of the Village Clerk during the hours of 10:30 A.M. thru 3:30 P.M.



Michael Kosinski, Chairman

Dated: November 20, 2019

RT #152198

1x 11/22​/2019 #152198

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