Readers Write: Attack on Tea Party supporter un-American

The Island Now

I was appalled by Dr. Harold Sobel’s letter in the Oct. 25 issue attacking Dr. Stephen Morris. 

What gives him the license to so cruelly attack Morris in the public print? 

Nowhere did Sobel list the supposed misguided and inhumane principles of the Tea Party or explain how Morris’ support of the Tea Party means he has abandoned those principles that are expected of a Jew who grew up in New York. 

Sobel simply attacked Morris saying his positions are, “to the right of Attila the Hun” and referring to his ideologies as “fascist” and possibly resulting from, “being maltreated in [his] youth.” 

Frankly, this tells me that Sobel cannot present a logical argument to refute the policies of the Tea Party and instead he has resorted to attacking Morris and other Tea Party supporters. Shame on Dr. Sobel. 

The fundamental mistake Sobel makes, as do most liberals, is that spending money will necessary fix a problem. When they see a problem, like poverty, they try to correct it by supporting government funding of programs to correct the problem. 

Their good intentions are enough to make the liberals feel good. 

They never look to see whether the new program or regulation works. This is called “outcomes assessment” and is required component of grant applications from respected institutions including the National Science Foundation. 

Without an evaluation of the outcome and a demonstration that you are achieving goals or understand what you are doing wrong you will not get more money for your project. 

If liberals did outcomes assessment on their programs they would have to face the reality of their failures (like the war on poverty) and hopefully open their minds to new approaches that may not cost more money but do truly achieve the desired goal, whether that be quality healthcare for all Americans or good jobs for all people who want one. 

Do you really want to achieve a goal or just feel good? 

That’s what is at issue here and squelching open debate by attacking those who think differently is un-American.

Dr. Corinne A. Michels


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