Readers Write: Attack in San Bernardino shows need for vigilance

The Island Now

There are more enemies among us with another mass shooting of more innocent people and this time in San Bernardino, Calif. 

Fourteen dead and 21 injured seriously. When will this senseless murder end ? 

The two alleged shooters, a Syde Farook and his wife were home grown terrorist who were radicalized and were killed in a shootout with police. 

These terrorist maybe they thought they were defending their faith and innocent people were their enemy. And yet what faith would demand the killing of innocent people by its’ followers is nothing more than the personification of pure evil.

In my opinion all life matters and it doesn’t matter whether it be the color of our skin, our nationality and religious beliefs. 

You see we are members of the human race and created by our higher power to live in peace and to love one another. 

President Obama said about these mass murders, that we have the best anti-terrorist and intelligence force. He also when on to say and yet they can’t do it all alone and need the eyes and ears of all concern citizens to be watchful. 

The bottom line is if we see something we must say something. You see all of lives depend on this. I feel we also need stricter gun control. 

Although I think part of the problem is if a person has no criminal record or mental problems how do you stop them from buying guns and killing more people. 

In closing I would like to extend my heartfelt prayers to the families, friends and co-workers who are grieving for the lost of so many good people. 

Remember this too: Evil thrives when good people do nothing. 

Frederick R. Bedell Jr. 

Glen Oaks Village

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