Readers Write: Anti-gun legislation aimed at making us less safe

The Island Now

There’s a renewed push for anti-gun legislation in our country. It is being promoted by newspapers such as the New York Times and Daily News, prominent individual such as billionaires Michael Bloomberg and George Soros, and politicians such as Chuck Schumer and Diane Feinstein. 

The coordination between the various anti-gun advocates is obvious.  Their efforts are meant to influence public opinion so as to enable the passage of laws limiting  Second Amendment rights. As Obama would like nothing better than to sign such legislation, and is actively promoting it, we can expect this anti-gun agitation to continue while he’s in office. 

Given the importance of gun rights to our physical safety, and given the identity of those who are leading the charge to infringe upon or abolish those rights, who have a history of promoting a totalitarianism, as discussed below, Americans should be very concerned about this renewed attack on the Constitution.

The Second Amendment was enacted because the Founding Fathers understood the tendency of government was toward tyranny. In response, they provided the Second Amendment, giving the people the means to defend themselves. This remains the most important reason why any infringement on the right to arms, and ammunition, shouldn’t be tolerated. It provides the last line of defense against a government run amuck. 

Any weakening of the Second Amendment weakens that defense.   

While most Americans are skeptical of the idea that our government might turn on us like an enemy, considering such an idea to be farfetched, and so don’t support the need for guns to protect us from what they consider a non-existent threat, many feel otherwise. This based on history and current events.

In this regard, the most murderous tyranny in the history of mankind was Soviet communism. Alexander Solzhenitsyn, who spent eight years in the Soviet Gulag, estimated that more than sixty million Russians were exterminated in the death camps of that totalitarian system. Communism was additionally responsible for the enslavement and deaths of many millions more outside of Russia. 

That communism was extraordinarily murderous is generally known. What is not generally known, however, is that “Soviet” Communism had its origins here, in the USA. In fact, it was financed, and largely staffed, from NYC. 

Specifically, the funding for the “Russian” Revolution was provided by Jacob Schiff of Wall Street’s Kuehn Loeb and Company. 

Moreover, of the 388 commissars of the original communist government in Russia, only fifteen were ethnic Russians, while two thirds hailed from the Lower East Side of New York City. 

In short, “Russian” communism was largely ‘made in America’. 

So those who don’t believe modern totalitarianism can happen here should reconsider. It originated here. There is no particular reason it can’t recur here. 

Especially if the population is disarmed. 

In light of this history, it is understandable why many question whether some current anti-gun advocates might have a hidden agenda, i.e., the disarmament of the citizenry to allow for imposition of a Soviet style totalitarianism. 

This concern has only been increased by the enactment of laws and agencies, such as Homeland Security, that are alien to America but are reminiscent of the old Soviet Union.  

It is also increased by the presence of Obama as President, who is clearly both anti-American and anti-Christian. 

Americans should err on the side of caution when it comes to weakening the Second Amendment. This because the consequences of underestimating the threat of totalitarianism can be catastrophic. Sixty million dead Russians will attest to that. 

Americans should never give up their guns or ammunition. In the end, that might be all that stands between them and an American Gulag. Farfetched. Maybe. Maybe not. 

The Founding Fathers didn’t think so. 

John O’Kelly

East Williston

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