Readers Write: Absence of enforcement hurts market’s cause

The Island Now

read with interest the letters about Shop Delight written by Hooshang Nematzadeh, Bruce Funk and Robert Stevens. 

They all made good points. However, I don’t think Shop Delight should take all the heat for not being a good neighbor. They cannot control the behavior of their customers.

 Double parked cars, excessive horn blowing, and customers eating on the street and leaving their garbage where they eat are rampant. 

Village of Great Neck Plaza code enforcement seems not to be at all interested in ticketing the offenders.

 I live on Welwyn Road and it is impossible to park on the residential part of the street during the day — but not because of Shop Delight’s customers; they come and go, turning over parking spaces every few minutes. 

However, a large number of employees of Shop Delight consistently park illegally on the street all day in violation of the three hour parking limit, leaving little or no parking for residents who have few or no indoor garage options.

 I have seen residents who live on Welwyn Road get tickets, but Village of Great Neck Plaza code enforcement rarely, if ever, tickets the non-resident offenders. 

I have contacted village officials relentlessly asking them to please ticket the illegally parked and double parked cars on Welwyn Road. I have even provided license plate numbers and photographs of the illegally parked employee cars. 

I am still waiting for Village of Great Neck Plaza code enforcement to ticket the offenders. I guess they don’t need the large daily revenue that those tickets would provide.

Village of Great Neck Plaza residents are very good at identifying the multitude of problems with way the village is run, but most of our concerns fall on deaf ears. 

Our mayor is mostly not interested in addressing the needs of her constituents unless they will provide a photo op in the newspaper.

Robert Stevens hit the nail on the head when he said in his letter that “In the Plaza double standards are the norm”  but we can do something about that. 

This winter, the mayor and two trustees are up for re-election. 

Voter turnout in the Plaza is appalling and has allowed the current slate to remain in power year after year. 

If we want to see improvements in our village, we need to be proactive in identifying and supporting leaders who will work for their constituents first and foremost. 

Then we need to get out and vote for them if we want to turn around the status quo.


Muriel Pfeifer

Village of Great Neck Plaza

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