Readers Write: A Tea Party plan for health care

The Island Now

Would you mind if we were not in New York to celebrate your birthday this year?”

Every husband, who is married more than an hour, learns to translate this wifely question into: “where are we going and when are we leaving. 

That year, we celebrated my 66th birthday in Washington D.C. 

It was September, 2009, and my wife had signed us up to join a group of 1,200 doctors, all going  to congress to study “Obamacare,” a new, proposed bill in which President Obama was going to “transform” the worlds greatest health-care system, in order to

1- lower health-care costs

2- reduce insurance premiums and

3- provide government funded, universal healthcare coverage.

Doctors against Obamacare? 

The media was not going to allow so many doctors to tarnish their favorite socialist agenda, initiated by their adored left-wing President. We were totally ignored by the press. 

Obama’s control of the media had begun. Freedom of the press suffered irreversible harm that week. 

Nobody even knew there were so many doctors who actually opposed Obamacare.

The first hurdle Obama faced, was to persuade congressmen to support his plan. He did this through a brilliant series of distortions and outright lies and ended with congressmen voting for a bill they had never even read.  

The first problem was the cost. The Affordable Care Act, was no where near affordable and everyone in Obama’s inner circle knew it. There was a real hesitancy for the administration to propose a bill which would cost more than one trillion dollars for a 10-year period. 

Obama promised us that he would spend no more than $848 billion dollars. The passage of Obamacare depended on the math, yet Obama and his team knew from the beginning that this was impossible. 

So in an arrogant display of Madoff-like maneuvers, he fraudulently doctored the books.

1 – In 2009 Obama told us that $848 billion dollars for a 10-year period, would cover the 31 million uninsured people. 

That’s $27,000 dollars for  each newly insured person.

Okay all you Obamacare supporters, please take a deep breath , sit down and relax because, as we said six years ago, you have been lied to !!!

2 – The Congressional Budget Office recently informed us that Obamacare actually cost us $2.004 trillion dollars to insure 25 million uninsured people at a cost of $80,000 dollars for each newly insured person for that same 10-year period.

How did the president cook the books? 

Simple: He would immediately start Obamacare’s 10-year period even though the first three years did not include many of the massively expensive Obamacare costs. 

Everyone in the administration knew that a full ten-year period of benefits would have exceeded his one trillion dollars goal. 

Claiming 10 years of coverage, when it was really seven, may have fooled the American people, but certainly not The Tea Party.

2 – He excluded all the payments to doctors and funded the doctor’s payments separately! 

Each year, congress funds “doc-fix” to pay them.  The additional cost would have been an additional $200 billion dollars!

3 – Since Obamacare expands state-funded  Medicaid,  making millions more eligible, four years from now, when it kicks in and the federal government stops paying 90 percent of the cost, the states will be responsible for billions more.

The Tea Party’s plan:,

1- Out of the 25 million uninsured, 10 million are people who earn over $75,000 but choose not to purchase insurance. They should pay their own.

2- many uninsured  are Medicaid eligible.

3- If their only goal was to cover the 15 million truly deserving uninsured, why not give them vouchers to get their own insurance. 

The math: 15 million would get a $5,000 voucher to get government paid private insurance at any insurance company. As long as they:

1- remained eligible

2- were periodically drug tested  and

3 – the insured family unit stayed together.

The cost? A fraction of Obamacare’s cost!!

Then why did Obama do this? Simple! 

His real goal was to have the government take over our health-care!! 

This is a dream of every socialist going back to the 1920s. Read about it in Obama’s own autobiography.

At the latest count, five years later,

1- Less than 10 million additional uninsured people are now insured.

2- Insurance premiums have risen!

3- Health-care costs have skyrocketed!

We have spent over  $2 trillion. And,

The federal government now controls every facet of our healthcare.

“The most terrifying words in the English language: I’m  from the government and I’m here to help you.”

Ronald Reagan

Dr. Stephen Morris

North Hills

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